
Four steps to selling your house

Inspection & Evaluation

Once you commission us we will conduct an inspection to evaluate your property.
Our assessment is based on various criteria but include the important points of:

  • Market value (based on recent sales and other local factors)
  • Intrinsic physical characteristics, including presentation

This evaluation is free of charge if we are engaged for the sale.

Otherwise this service has a fee of €150 for properties < €200.000, and €300 for all other properties.

Please note: we do not accept sales listings where the vendor stipulates a sale price that is +15% over the evaluation.
Friends or family may tell you your property is worth this, or its worth that, but the reality is that it is worth what the market is prepared to pay for it; and we do understand that market very well.


House Documents

The vendor will provide us with all the documents necessary for the property sale; for this we can talk you through the list of documents.

  • date of construction of the property and any building permit
  • Certificato di abitabilità/agibilità – Occupancy certificate
  • Energy Certificate (APE)
  • Visura catastale – official fiscal paper of the property
  • official floor plan
  • a copy of the deed of when you bought/inhereted the property
  • a copy of the owner/owners' passport and fiscal code
  • Any certificates tied to the property – electrical, plumbing and heating


Sale Listing Acceptance

We accept both exclusive and non-exclusive sale listings.
However, the benefit to you of an exclusive listing is that we have an intimate understanding of your property, you have a single point of contact, and there is transparency.

Our commissions are:
Exclusive sales listing – 2% plus VAT (22%)
Non-exclusive sales listings – 3% plus VAT (22%)



Our goal is to sell your property as quickly as possible, for this reason we find the most suitable market channels to suit your sale.  Generally we publish our properties on all the well-known international web portals, as well as various print media targeting real estate.  The greater the visibility, the greater the chance of achieving a sale.

We may also suggest some changes to your existing property presentation to maximize its sale potential. For example we find that neutral styles and colours are best suited for a varied market. We are accredited stylists and experienced in this property market, so we do understand what works best for your sale.

Currently we advertise on:

  • rightmove.co.uk
  • moveagain.com
  • gate-away.com
  • homesandvillasabroad.com
  • italymag.com
  • prestigeproperties.com
  • houseinitaly.com
  • casa.it
  • immobiliare.it
  • subito.it
  • ilcastelloditara.com

and magazines:

  • Italia! (English)
  • Italie (Dutch)
  • The good property guide (hotels and aeroplanes)
  • A Place in the Sun (English)

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