Living Simple or Simply Living?

a splendid suspension

Sadly or maybe not, I find myself without words these days. Not even without words, without thoughts even, as though my life, all Life, were suspended in a bubble floating in space waiting for whatever is to come next. I feel I have very little choice in making any decisions. Whereas I have always believed we create our lives, I feel there’s not much to be created at the moment. I suppose there are moments in life (and never more in history than now) where it is time to stop. Slow down and pace your way into simply living. Minute by minute, day after day, without planning anything at all. I wake up now in the morning and think, Ok what am I to do today? And I find myself enjoying those simple mundane tasks I normally do without realising. Getting up, sweeping the floor, opening a window and breathing the cold air, talking to the dogs, making bread, throwing the rubbish away. Then, when the day is over, you know you have done what you could. It had its ups and downs, you did some things really well, others you could have done better. The sun goes down, the moon comes out and into the darkness goes the day now over. Tomorrow the light will be there when you open your eyes and whatever will be, will be.


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